Brand Building Services


Build Your Brand Right with Bgro Tech

Launching a company is hard. But turning it into a successful and standout brand is harder. And right now you don’t have anything established since you’re working with a blank canvas. That’s where Bgro Tech comes in to help you build a brand that shows the world what you stand for.

Even a few years ago, you had to break a sweat to do all these. But now brand building services in India have improved a lot. With our online brand building company, you can easily get a standout brand without any headaches. Our team of experienced brand specialists will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Stand Out with A Powerful Brand That Screams ‘you’

Having a strong, memorable brand is super important for any business wanting to make a great impression and really connect with customers. But creating an amazing brand on your own is confusing and time-consuming.

Professional, Premium Brand That Turns Heads

Imagine having a brand identity that makes people say "Wow, these guys are legit!" Think about having a polished brand that screams quality and expertise. Our brand experts make sure you look first-class and irresistible to your ideal customers.

Hassle-Free Process Delivered 100% Online

No more banging your head, trying to figure out branding on your own. Our convenient online services make it easy for us to collaborate and provide regular updates, wherever you're located. We'll send you ideas, mock-ups and regular progress updates virtually. You just sit back, relax and let us know what you think with a simple click or message.

Branding That Connects with Your Target Audience

Building a brand people actually like and remember isn't about guesswork. It takes research and strategy. We combine brand strategy and design to create an identity tailored precisely for your most important customer base. They're guaranteed to find your new brand appealing and memorable.

Bandwidth to Focus on Your Main Business

Let's be honest, developing an amazing brand takes A LOT of time and hard work when done properly. But worry not. Our online services free up your schedule so you can stop worrying about visuals and messaging, and focus on growing your business.

Affordable Brand Building Solutions

Hiring a big fancy brand building agency sometimes costs an arm and a leg, especially for small businesses. But our affordable online packages provide quality branding that fits any startup or firm. We can provide you the same quality branding at much lower, budget-friendly rates. Premium brands made possible for startups and entrepreneurs!

Consistent Branded Presence Across Channels

Once your fresh new brand is launched, we make sure it's rolled out everywhere you need - website, socials, ads, email, merch, you name it! You'll have that consistent, cohesive, branded look no matter where customers experience your business. That's how you build serious brand recognition and credibility over time.

Build Your Brand Piece By Piece From Scratch

You've got a brilliant business idea. But having just an idea isn't enough these days - you need an awesome brand to go with it! A brand that makes you popular and cool, just like your favourite celebrities.

‘’But how do I actually create a brand when I'm starting from nothing?" Bgro Tech has got your back.

As the leading Brand building company in India, we are your expert architects building a new home aka your brand. Here's how we'll get it built up piece-by-piece:

Laying Down Brand Foundations

This is where we get to know everything about your business - the deep stuff that really makes it unique. We'll ask you tons of questions to understand your company's purpose, goals, what you believe in and stand for. We want the honest, unfiltered scoop straight from you! Knowing these core foundations ensures your brand truthfully represents who you are.

Name Selection

A brand name is your chance to make a great first impression. So it's got to grab attention right away! We'll go through a creative process to land on a name that instantly intrigues people. Maybe it's something meaningful, catchy, totally new and different? Whatever name we choose, it has to be an open door that makes folks curious to step inside and learn more about your brand.

Designing Your Brand

Now for the fun part - deciding how your brand will look! We'll concept dozens of logo designs, color schemes, patterns and more to craft a visual identity that perfectly captures your brand personality. From bold and modern to classic and luxurious, your brand's appearance will have a unique, unforgettable style that blows people away at first glance.

Making Your Brand Memorable

But a brand is more than just stunning visuals. It needs to feel like a living, breathing persona that people can relate to. So we'll define the specific voice, tone and core values that bring your brand to life and give it depth. The terminology it uses, how it communicates, its admirable traits - these are the qualities that forge a meaningful connection with your audience.

Marketing Your Brand

With your brand's core identity all planned out, it's time to get that fresh new look everywhere your customers go! We'll blanket your:

  • Website
  • Social Media Accounts
  • Advertising
  • Email Marketing
  • Product Packaging

And more! Any place someone might stumble across or interact with your business, those eye-catching brand elements will be there to greet them. Your unforgettable logo, vibrant colors, distinct personality - constantly reinforcing who you are.

Channel Marketing

But wait! We can't just randomly slap your logo on everything. There's a smart, strategic method to the branding madness. That's why we'll provide you with clear-as-day branding guidelines. A reference manual showing all the do's and don'ts for using your logos, colors, fonts, patterns, and other branded assets properly.

What backgrounds do your logos look best on? What colors should never be paired together? How much spacing should be around certain design elements?

Your Brand Building Roadmap: Step by Step Process

Bgro Tech follows a not-so-complicated plan to make sure your new brand generates buzz for years to come. Here’s how we do it –

Learning About Your Business From Inside Out

Before we can create an amazing brand for you, we need to become experts on your company from the inside out. We'll have lots of casual chats to pick your brain about your business. What goals and dreams are you hoping to achieve? What kinds of customers are you trying to attract? We'll ask you a ton of questions to deeply understand your company's core mission, targets, and what a successful brand means to you. The more details and insider knowledge we soak up, the better.

Finding Your Audience

Okay, now we know everything about you. But who exactly are we trying to reach with this new brand? We'll do some detective work to find out where your ideal customers hang out online. Are they browsing Instagram or LinkedIn? Searching on Google? Reading blogs or news sites? We'll pinpoint those hotspots and digital hangouts where your potential audience spends their time. That's where we'll concentrate our brand promotion efforts.

Creating Engaging Content

With your audience identified, we'll start creating ultra eye-catching, can't-ignore-it content to generate excitement about your fresh new brand. Fun videos that entertain, helpful blog posts that educate, bold graphics that inspire. The kind of content that instantly makes them stop by and makes them go "Ooh, tell me more about this!" Our content gets your prospects amped to learn all about your brand.

Promoting Your Brand Everywhere

That awesome, audience-grabbing content isn't just going to sit there. We'll spread it far and wide across those digital hotspots where your ideal customers hang out and consume content. Your brand will be omnipresent without being overbearing! On their social feeds, in their email inboxes, on the sites they frequent - your brand will start surrounding them in a clever, unmissable way.

Showing Off Success Stories

"Ok, their brand looks cool. But are they actually any good?" That’s what your audience thinks. But we'll prove your authenticity by promoting real customer reviews, testimonials, and success stories that demonstrate the quality of your products or services. These real stories from happy customers help build a trustworthy reputation for your new brand. Prospects will feel excited to buy from you when they see others had an amazing experience.

Analyzing and Optimizing

We aren't just setting and forgetting your brand promotion. Our team uses advanced data tracking tools to constantly monitor how well your brand content and messaging are performing across various channels. If certain tactics aren't clicking, we adjust and optimize to get better results. An effective brand building process requires continuous tweaking and optimization over time.


Don't let your business get lost in the crowd. Build a standout brand with Bgrotech and shine bright.


1. How much does it cost to create a brand?

Brand building costs depend on several factors like how much work is needed, number of services required, your industry, etc. Once you come to us with all your requirements, we’ll be able to give you an estimate.

2. How long does it take to build a brand?

If you want high-quality branding, then you have to be patient before you see the result. In general, it takes around 3 to 6 months to establish a proper brand.

3. Will you need a lot of information from me?

Yes. We need to collect details about your company's background, vision, target audience, preferences and more to create an authentic, well-aligned brand. The more you can tell us, the better the end result.

4. Do you offer continuous brand management after launch?

We do. We believe that your brand should not remain the same always. We provide brand monitoring, refreshes, campaign support and other long-term services to maintain brand consistency and momentum.

5. How does brand building help?

Brand building helps you market your business, connect with your target audience, promote your services and so on.

Our Working Process

  • Laying Down Brand Foundations.
  • Finding Your Audience.
  • Creating Engaging Content.
  • Promoting Your Brand Everywhere.
  • Showing Off Success Stories.
  • Analyzing and Optimizing.
So What is Next?

Are You Ready? Let's get to work!